The Cold War/La Guerra Fría- 

Afghanistan: Human Rights no response to Russian invasion - Caught - Clay feet - Amnesty International: Controled - Argentina: Gaucho sunrise - Just an excuse for the arms race - Attempt against the Pope: Violence: forces of evil favorite resource - Exposed - Central AmericaArms race - Weapons instead food - Armamentism - As he owned the house - Honduras improving with F-5 - Boomerang - Breeding ground - Care for an appetizer? - Stop the persecution - Catholic Radio is victim of repression - Cold welcome-They are in "peace" already-CONDECA and TIAR preventing attacks-  Blindness-A Fake Troy horse-Efforts in vain-Cover for each other-Shady defender-By the winds that blow...-Doing good my pet!-Drug trafficking-Narcoterrorism-A little bit in the triangle-President Duarte in conflict-Soviet expansion-Extorsion-Another aniversary-"Hands up those who want to be a guerrilla."-By leaps and bounds-Knocking at the door-Confiscation of free speech-No respect!-Flames out -Sandino was just an excuse- Hungry for banana countries-Indoctrination in schools-Disrespecting adjacent countries-Kremlin pirates-Marxist leap-Subversion-Territory violation-Scaring away-Putting out the fire-Neighbors in danger-Neutrality-I go in active neutral-Neutral Politics-Nightmare--Playing blind-It is all an act-Without wings-Sandinista Attacks-Brutal crime-Against civilians in hondurean territory-Whenever neccesary-"Little angel" with long tail-Kirkpatrick to the rescue-Serranilla maritime delimitation treaty-Seven anniversary-Soviet airplanes for the sandinista-Hungry for the strategic priority-Fall into their own trap-The target-The change-Voting against terrorism-Who is the retrograde?-Chernobyl-Cuba: Drugs and arms Trafficking-Bitter Drink-Manufacturing more Cubas-From exporter to importer-More evidence-Nuclear menace-The opium of the masses-The untochable privileged-Europe: The blind-Counterintelligence in France-Socialism is not comunism-Elections should be free!-Disarmament proposal-Scare away with hat-GrenadeCastro Lies-Slapped down-Irak-Iran: Conflict-Lybia: Planes with weapons for Central America discovered-It was in self defense-Mexico: Greeting with the right inside, and the left outside-Middle East: Sadat assasination-Who's peace?-NATOEclipse-Poland: Feet of clay-Human Rights and Poland-Solidarity Union-Spain: Socialism Vs Comunism-Terrorism: The hijacking of Achille Lauro-The enemy-Reward for ratting out terrorists-The international conspiracy threatens-Day of the race-Terrorism the Hero!-Global threat-Very suspicious-USAA wise invitation-While sleeping-Micro-demonstration-Duel with same weapons-No to weakness-Suspicious-Spearhead-Trampoline-USSR: Brezhnev's death-Solidarity Union and Brezhnev's death-Dissidents in hunger strike-Spying on technology-The difference-It never worked-Next!-Do you have a match?-One after another-Reduction of exit permits for Jews-The trap-Vietnam: Conflict-Yugoslavia: Tito's death


Abandono/Abandonment-AlcoholismoManejando/Driving-Familias/Families-Comunicación:Adiós al telégrafo/Farewell to telegraph-CorrupciónRobando a los niños/Stealing from kids-Combatiendo el monstruo/Fighting the monster-MACCIHcidio-Día de los inocentes/Innocents Day-Inflación por corrupción-Robando al pueblo/Stealing to the people-Abogados corruptos/corrupt lawyers-Bienes sin raices/Country for sale-Ciudad modelo/Modelo city-CONADI-No extradición-Destino cruel/Cruel destiny-Evitando la extradición/Avoiding the extradition-Hospitales en altamar/Hospitals at sea-Manipulación de cédulas/Mishandling IDs-Manotadas de ahogados/Slaps of drowned-Médicos sin pago/Doctors without pay-Mordida/Bribery-Inspección de vehículo-Sarta de machacas/Pack of briberies-Sin castigo/No punishment-Venta de Playas/Beaches on sale-Víctimas/Victims-Fobia a la luz/Phobia to light-Crimen: ¡Sálvese quien pueda!/Every man for himself!-Delincuencia/Crime-Escuadrones de la muerte/Death squads-Recordando Los Horcones/Remembering The Horcones-Stealing donations/Robando las donaciones-EcologíaSequía/Drought-Calentamiento/Warming-Tala inmisericorde/Merciless felling-Efectos de la tala/Logging effects-EconomíaEconomía de mercado/Market economy-Austeridad/Austerity-Bajos salarios y adquisición/Low wages and acquisition-Competencia desleal/Unfair competition-Contrabando/Smuggling-Crecimiento demográfico/Population growth-Democracia y desarrollo/Democracy and development-Hacia el desarrollo/Towards development-¿Escasez o descontrol?/Scarcity or lack of control?-Tapándole el ojo al macho/Diverting attention-Deuda externa/External debt-Deuda política/Political debt-Devaluación-Energía insuficiente-Especulación de granos/Grain speculation-Especulación de huevos/Egg speculation-Éxodo en caravanas/Exodus in caravans-Desempleo/Unemployement-No a la inversión/No to investment-Gastos innecesarion/Innecesary expenses-Huelgas/Strikes-Impuestos altos/High taxes-Altos intereses/High interests-En desventaja/On disadvantage-Falta de incentivos/Lack of incentives-Petróleo Doméstico/Domestic oil-Precios al consumidor/Consumer prices-Baja producción/Low production-Nuevos tributos/New taxes-Educación: Adoctrinamiento/Indoctrination-ENEE: Paquetazo/Big package-Servicio deficiente/Defficient service-Transfiriendo los recargos/Transferring the surcharges-Investigación: Un llamado del más allá/A call from beyond-Juegos de azar: Ferias y fieras/Unfair fairs-Se armó la de Troya/All hell broke loose-El intocable/The untouchable-Justicia social: Al bote/To jail-Sin protección/Unprotected-Buscando un equilibrio/Looking for a balance-Justicia: Caso Matta/Matta case-Código penal/Penal code-Lo increíble/The incredible-No es lo mismo/It is not the same-Marchas:Defendiendo la democracia/Defending democracy-Marcha cívica/Civic march-Madres: Segundo domingo de mayo/Second Sunday of May-Medios: No a los caricaturistas/No to political cartoonists-Autodestrucción/selfdestruction-PC: Pura corrupción/Nothing but corruption-¿Cárcel para qué?/Jail for what?-Eterna espera/Eternal wait-Política: Hacia la izquierda/Toward the left-Alianza astuta/Cunning Alliance-El incauto/The dupe-Alianza truculenta/Tricky alliance-El necio/The fool-Trampolín/Trampoline-Anarquía/Anarchy-Asesor manipulador/Manipulative advisor-Amantes de la reelección/Reelection lovers-Burocracia codiciosa/Greedy burocracy-Cambiando colores/Changing colors-Cambiando colores/Changing colors-Candidatos precocidos/Precooked candidates-Combatiendo el pan/Fighting the bread-Constitución pisoteada/Trampled Constitution-Constitución secuestrada/Hijacked Constitution-Continuismo en el poder/Continuity in power-Continuistas y la prensa/Continuists and the press-Control de los poderes/Control of the powers-Corte Suprema/Supreme Court-Cuarta urna electoral/Fourth ballot box-De antemano/Beforehand-Derroche de fondos/Waste of funds-Decorativo congreso/Decorative congress-Destruyendo la Constitución/Destroying the Constitution-Deuda/Debt-División en los partidos/Division in parties-Candidato escogido/Chosen candidate-El modelo venezolano/The venezuelan model-El padrino/The godfather-En Amenaza/In threat-Elecciones internas/Internal elections-Elecciones municipales/Municipal Elections-Futuro incierto/Uncertain future-Golpes de estado/Coup d'etat-Negando golpes de estado/Denying coups d'etat-Haciendo trampa/Cheating-Inestabilidad/Instability-Presidente provisional-Quedó el molde/The pattern remains-Sillas soñadas/Dreamed chairs-Masoquismo/Masoquism-Mel y los militares/Mel and the military-Militarismo/Militarism-Dividing/Dividiendo-Nepotismo/Nepotism-No Constitución/No Constitution-Pan y circo/Bread and circus-Partidas y salarios/Budgets and salaries-Partido Comunista/Comunist Party-Partidos continuistas/Continuist parties-Partidos políticos/Political parties-Talón de Aquiles/Achilles Heel-Presupuesto y burocracia/Burocracy and budget-Pretextos/Excuses-Ley obsoleta/Obsolete law  -Refrenando/Restraining-Relación con China/Relations with China-Revolución burguesa/Burgeois revolution-Rivalidad de partidos /Political party Rivalry-Salarios y prebendas /Salaries and perks-Seguro Social/Social Security-Visita desagradable/Unpleasent visit-SaludHospitales sin recursos/Hospitals without resources-Transmitida por insectos/Insect-borne-SandinistasAtaques/Attacks-Ataques a Honduras/Attacks to Honduras-Sirviendo de carreta/Serving as wheelbarrow-FSLN en Honduras/FSLN in Honduras-Pesca allanada/Raided fishing-Seguro SocialDesviación de fondos/Diversion of funds-Mal uso de cuotas/Misuse of quotas-Tierras: Indígenas despropiados/Dispossessed indigenous-Invasores/Invaders-TradiciónDespués de la Navidad/After Christmas-TransporteAbuso sobre ruedas/Abuse on wheels-Justicia para los usuarios/Justice for users

The World/El Mundo- 

Abstentionism: It would be a suicide-Aids: The killerThe battleStill growing-Prevention campaign-Alcoholism: Help!Amnesty: HopePolitics: Non-aligned, but alignedMaduro's sinester plan - CELAM: Hearths implant - China: No involvement - No more fish in the shores - Drugs: No to addiction - Economy: A better way - Environment: Pollution - Europe: Denmark referendum - It is so good - No to Russian oil - Sweden and Finland on target - Globalism: The owner Hunger: Injustice - Media: Violence - Mexico: Corruption victim - NATO: Stop! - Nobel Prize: Apple of discord - Nuclear energy: self-destruction - Professions: The future? - Russia-Ukraine: It can happen any minute - Bringing back the soviet -  Non sense massacre - No to their oilRemember Cuba 1962 - Russian Peace -The truth in front of the mirror - Common borders - First anniversary - David and Goliath again - Out! - Pandemonium - Popular Zelensky - Russian misinformation - War crimes report - Falling appart - The old soviet mummies  - Revolution lies: Socialism changes -Technology: Humans' fate - Nuclear weapons race - self-i - War: Worries about the present and future - Idiots!